About us
Your Trusted Law Office
If you are looking for competent and creative lawyers with a focus on solving business-related and individual problems, providing professional and reliable legal assistance to corporate and private clients, and always showing due care in handling of your case and ensuring full confidentiality of your information – you have come to the right place! Welcome to our Law Office.
State-of-the-art, reliable, comprehensive
We ensure full confidentiality of all information, as well as full and permanent access to all documents related to your case as may be made available to us by you. We offer reliability and communicativeness – which also means that you will be kept up to date about all steps taken by our Law Office in your case. Our Law Office brings together young, thoroughly educated lawyers, with practical work experience acquired at offices of legal advisers, advocates, civil-law notaries, courts, public prosecutors, trade unions, cooperatives, and commercial partnerships and companies.
We provide legal assistance in Polish and in English.
Years of Experience
Success Rate
Debt collection
Criminal law
Family and inheritance law
Personal data protection
Transport law
Energy law
Legal training
- Regular legal support to enterprises
- Company law
- Labor law
- Real-estate transactions
- Damages
- Debt collection
- Criminal law
- Family and inheritance law
- Personal data protection
- Transport law
- Energy law
- Legal training
Our key objective is to ensure regular legal support to enterprises by assisting our Clients in their day-to-day business operations. Drawing up legal documents for our Clients is a part of the service, including:
- trade agreements, civil-law agreements, confidentiality agreements,
- agreements related to the performance of work (including employee and trade union documentation),
- periodical reports for works councils,
- bye-laws required by the labor law and collective agreements,
- applications to the National Court Register (KRS),
- minutes and resolutions of the management boards, supervisory boards, shareholders’ meetings and general shareholders’ meetings (attended by a civil-law notary),
- rules of procedure of the management boards, supervisory boards, auditing committees,
- case reports (in Polish or English).
Our Team is composed of competent agents for litigation (legal advisers and advocates) with many years of experience in representing our Clients before common and administrative courts and before the Supreme Court. We have a track record of hundreds of successful serious legal disputes, including cases related to the performance and settlement of construction works, compensation for improper performance of trade contracts, damages in tort, transport damage, compensation for non-material harm, including bodily injuries or death of a next-of-kin in traffic accidents; we also handled disputes related to payments for services and deliveries, numerous labor disputes (both on the employees’ and on the employer’s side, including a case against the Labor Inspectorate over its refusal to register a collective works agreement), consumer disputes (including a case against the Consumer Ombudsman), appeals against administrative decisions of central and local government bodies, appeals against decisions of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), cases in the field of energy law before the Consumer and Competition Protection Court in Warsaw.
- foundation and registration of commercial partnerships and companies, starting from the development of the company deed, through all stages of the registration proceedings, including the ‘S24’ fast-track procedure;
- handling the National Court Register registration proceedings with regard to updates concerning the company structure;
- organizational conversions, mergers and divisions;
- representation at shareholders’ meetings and legal support to company bodies;
- handling the proceedings with regard to repeal and annulment of resolutions adopted by shareholders’ meetings;
- handling the proceedings with regard to civil liability of the members of company bodies;
- legal support for the purpose of disposal/acquisition of companies and organized parts thereof;
- representation of legal entities in bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings, in particular by developing bankruptcy petitions, claim notifications, as well as by representing creditors in creditors’ meetings;
- conversion of enterprises into commercial partnerships and companies in all variants provided for in the Polish Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies;
- removal of companies from the National Court Register under the winding-up procedure and simplified procedure;
- regular legal support to companies.
As a provider of regular legal support to enterprises, we have accumulated significant experience in cases related to labor law. In particular, we handled disputes with regard to claims for damages, reinstatement, and overtime pay. We also have experience in handling cases where employment relationships based on employment contracts coincide with the appointments to the bodies of limited-liability and joint-stock companies. We provide active representation on behalf of employers in disputes with their employees, including both individual and collective union-related cases. In particular, in the latter area, our advice was used on many occasions by the management boards of large enterprises; we negotiated collective agreements, workplace and remuneration rules, rules of the in-house social benefits funds; we provided assistance for the purpose of registration of collective agreements and additional protocols to such agreements; we drafted non-compete and confidentiality agreements. We developed rules for collective redundancy processes; we also represented employers in labor disputes concerning layoffs conducted for reasons within the employer’s control. On many occasions, we developed employee documentation required by collective labor law, including aspects related to optimization of employment costs. Our lawyers also work for trade unions, thus learning the arguments of both sides to a labor dispute, an asset which is utilized by us in providing legal support to enterprises.
Our Team also has experience in proceedings concerning social insurance claims, such as sickness, maternity or accident benefits, as well as in retirement proceedings, including the adjustment of such benefits.
Our Law Office provides regular support in employee and HR-related matters to large, medium-sized and small enterprises in various branches of the economy, and to public authorities such as courts of law, which employ a number of specialized occupational groups. As far as employee matters are concerned, we also have experience in proceedings before the Supreme Court.
Our lawyers are experienced in transactions involving the purchase and sale of real estate, both developed and undeveloped, rental and lease, assistance in the implementation of investment projects, conclusion of works contracts or negotiations with prospective end customers. The Firm takes part in negotiations and conclusion of contracts related to real estate owned both by private individuals and legal persons. In particular, we provide services related to:
- legal audits of real estate;
- negotiation of agreements related to the occupancy of real estate, such as contracts of lease for commercial premises;
- proceedings concerning the recovery or establishment of the title to real estate;
- representation of the Client in disputes concerning the legal status of real estate;
- drafting contracts for the disposal of real estate;
- well-developed mechanisms in place to establish the legal status of real estate.
Our Team successfully handles cases related to claims for damages, both with regard to incidents of commercial nature and to personal injuries and damage to property – especially resulting from traffic accidents. We provide assistance in obtaining due compensation, redress and disability benefits. Our services also include legal support to accident victims, but also to their family members in the event of the victim’s disability or death. The above applies in particular to traffic incidents, but also accidents at work, medical negligence, as well other unforeseen incidents. In particular, our activities focus on the following areas:
- advice with regard to insurance contracts, insurance guarantees and other products on the insurance market as required;
- assertion of claims for damages, including redress, under insurance contracts;
- conduct and supervision of the claim adjustment process at the pre-litigation stage;
- legal representation of private and corporate Clients in cases against insurance companies (both in criminal proceedings, including the pre-trial stage, and in civil and disciplinary proceedings).
Over the years, our Law Office has developed efficient debt collection methods, including instruments at the pre-litigation and enforcement stages, enabling efficient search for, identification and freezing of the debtor’s assets for the purpose of future enforcement measures. Our Law Office also handles many cases against the management of indebted companies, as well as cases of fraudulent conveyance against individuals to whom debtors transferred their assets. Our strengths in this area:
- long-term experience in handling complex debt collection processes;
- actions against the management and fraudulent conveyance cases;
- regular cooperation with efficient enforcement officers;
- well-developed methods to search for and identify debtors’ assets;
- experience in amicable debt collection, securing recovery agreements and monitoring of payments.
Our Law Office also has expertise and practical skills in handling bankruptcy and restructuring cases. Mr. Tomasz Wróblewski is a licensed restructuring consultant (receiver), authorized to handle bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings. We represent our Clients in bankruptcy and winding-up proceedings. We have experience in drafting bankruptcy petitions, notification of claims, as well as participation in creditors’ committees, or voting on restructuring settlements. In such proceedings, we represented actively entities both on the creditors’ side and on the debtors’ side, thus acquiring experience with regard to restructuring of companies’ liabilities.
Our Law Office provides comprehensive legal assistance to individuals and organizations in cases related to criminal law and criminal proceedings, including also criminal fiscal law and enforcement of criminal sanctions. We also provide services in the field of misdemeanor law. Our basic objective is to guarantee our Clients’ rights of the defense. We specialize, inter alia, in defending employers (management) in cases related to liability for work accidents. In the field of criminal law, we offer the following activities:
- handling cases at the pre-trial stage of the investigation conducted by the police and public prosecutors;
- defense of the accused in criminal proceedings;
- defense of the accused in criminal fiscal proceedings;
- provision of comprehensive legal support with regard to fiscal offenses, from the tax inspection stage to the stage of proceedings before criminal courts;
- representation of the Clients in enforcement proceedings by filing motions and complaints in cases related to the deferment of penalties, early release and prison leave;
- handling pardon proceedings;
- handling cases related to compensation for wrongful conviction, provisional arrest or detention;
- drawing up notifications of a suspected criminal offense;
- drawing up indictments and representing the injured parties in criminal proceedings;
- representation of a subsidiary prosecutor in court and defense of his/her rights;
- representation of claimants in criminal cases;
- representation of injured parties in proceedings related to compensation to crime victims;
- representation of persons other than parties to criminal proceedings;
- handling of court cases related to misdemeanors,
- public order offenses, nighttime noise nuisance, intoxication in a public place).
We also draw up legal analyses to provide conclusions which may be used by business entities and members of company bodies to avoid infringement of the law. In the area of liability for accidents at work, we cooperate with occupational health and safety experts who support building solid and convincing defense for our Clients.
We ensure legal advice to our Clients in proceedings related to family and guardianship law, in particular with regard to divorce, maintenance and marital property regimes, with particular focus on the protection of spouses’ rights in the event of either spouse’s insolvency. Our practice also includes cases in the following areas:
- legal analyses of facts resulting from marital property agreements;
- advice in cases related to marital property while the marriage is in effect and after its cessation;
- advice in the course of divorce and separation cases;
- legal representation in cases related to the establishment of separate marital property regimes;
- legal representation in divorce and separation cases;
- legal representation in cases related to the division of property after the cessation of the spouses’ community property;
- legal representation in spousal maintenance cases, both with regard to meeting the family’s needs and with regard to maintenance obligations after the dissolution of the marriage;
- legal representation in maintenance cases between parents and children;
- advice in the course of cases related to the relationships between parents and children;
- legal representation in cases related to rights of access, termination or restriction of parental responsibility;
- legal representation in cases related to determination or denial of parentage.
Our Team handles cases in the field of inheritance law. In particular, we provide the following services:
- handling the litigation in the field of inheritance law, in particular with regard to the ascertainment of the acquisition of inheritance, distribution of inheritance, reserved portion, validity of wills;
- analysis of facts concerning intestate and testate succession, including succession to a foreign national’s estate in the Polish territory, as well as Polish nationals’ estate outside Poland;
- legal advice on the tax aspects of inheritance;
- legal advice in the field of inheritance law as required.
We provide advice on the application of the Polish Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We conduct documentation audits and implementation processes during which we develop necessary documents for our Clients in order to ensure their legal compliance in terms of proper safeguards for personal data controlled by enterprises.
One of our legal advisers serves as a Data Protection Officer at various companies, officially registered as a DPO with the Personal Data Protection Office. Our regular support to enterprises includes protection of Data Controllers against administrative penalties imposed as a result of inspections conducted by the Personal Data Protection Office. In this area, we provide the following services:
- audits of documents related to the protection of personal data;
- developing the set of documents required under the GDPR and PDPA;
- a comprehensive training portfolio for managers and staff with personal data protection responsibilities.
We provide regular legal support to a number of companies in the transportation sector. Our Law Office represented clients in many disputes concerning transport damage, both under the Polish transport law and under the CMR Convention, including logistic errors and road traffic damage. Within this specialty, we offer the following services:
- drafting and reviewing transport and forwarding contracts and other contracts governing the parties’ obligations with regard to domestic and international carriage of goods;
- legal representation in cases related to claims under domestic and international transport law;
- handling the collection of outstanding fright payments or asserting claims for damages at the pre-trial stage, including negotiations of the final arrangements in this regard;
- establishing the liability for damage among carriage participants and asserting claims for damages in this regard;
- • reviewing insurance contracts for optimum coverage, including negotiations with insurers;
- supervision of the claims adjustment in the process of assertion of claims against insurers, and legal representation in cases against insurers;
- ad hoc assistance in problems resulting from domestic and international transport law;
- regular legal support to enterprises in the logistic/forwarding/transport sectors.
Our legal activities also include advisory services in the field of energy law, both with regard to drawing up of agreements from this area of law and related legal disputes. Our track record in this context includes:
- experience in providing legal support to enterprises from the energy sector,
- a successful case before the Consumer and Competition Protection Court vs. the President of the Polish Energy Regulatory Office, who imposed a significant fine on an enterprise for a failure to comply with the obligatory purchase of energy performance certificates,
- several successful court cases concerning damages for non-contractual use of real estate by transmission system operators, as well as the establishment of utility servitudes on real estate crossed by electricity or gas grids.
We provide training to Managers and Staff of various departments, including Heads of Departments and Leaders in areas regulated by labor law (including working time), as well as to HR and Safety & Health Teams. Our training seminars and workshops are conducted by professionals and experts in a specific field. You may rely on the fact that the information provided to you comes from a solid and proven source. In our training courses and workshops, we put a lot of emphasis on practical usefulness of the information we provide. Furthermore, we adjust the teaching material to the needs of a specific group of students.
It happens very often that interest in our services is generated by existing and intractable problems. We provide help in both remedying and preventing such problems. The fact that our training services are provided by legal practitioners in a specific field of law means that it is easier for us to understand problems as they appear and to make sure that the training process provides practical knowledge which is relevant for a specific occupational group.
Our Team

Forms of cooperation
Retainer agreement
This form of cooperation ensures that one of our lawyers is on stand-by and may provide legal assistance whenever requested by the Client.
Under the retainer relationship, the Client may request specific legal services at any time by contacting one of our lawyers (on the phone, by e-mail, by fax or paper mail). Typically, we are requested to:
• assess the risk of agreements to be executed by the Client
• review agreements,
• audit the dossier of business negotiations,
• draft the Client’s outgoing correspondence,
• draft the Client’s legal dossier,
• review a specific legal issue and propose the best solution,
• send reminders and recover receivables from trade debtors,
• handle proceedings in cases brought by or against the Client,
• participate in business negotiations.
Under the retainer agreement, the Client pays a monthly subscription (flat-rate fee) in the amount to be specified on individual terms, depending on the size of the company, the scope and progress of the Client’s proceedings, as well as the estimated legal workload.
Benefits of this form of cooperation:
• permanent access to one of our lawyers and ability to consult your concerns as they appear on the phone or by email,
• preferential terms of service vs. the clients serviced under other models of cooperation,
• a flat-rate monthly fee, irrespective of the actual volume of the Law Office’s legal work and applicable hourly rates, whereby the cost of legal services may be specified in advance,
• a periodical list of services provided under the retainer agreement.
Framework agreement
It ensures that legal services may be ordered by the Client as required, by email, on the phone, by fax or paper mail.
Under this form of cooperation, the Client signs a framework cooperation agreement in which our Law Office undertakes to accept and fulfill orders for legal services submitted by the Client at an applicable hourly rate as specified for our individual lawyers.
Benefits of this form of cooperation:
• permanent access to one of our lawyers and ability to consult your legal concerns as they appear, on the phone, by email, fax or paper mail,
• you only pay for the services actually provided,
• you are provided with a periodical list of services with a brief description and time record.
To be agreed on individually with the Client on the basis of the volume of legal work required for a specific order and the applicable hourly rate of the lawyer who provides the service to the Client.
For respective applicable hourly rates of our lawyers, feel free to request an individual offering.
Benefits of this form of cooperation:
Obecne stawki godzinowe poszczególnych prawników Kancelarii przedstawimy na życzenie Klienta w indywidualnie opracowanej ofercie.
Individual orders
We also accept individual orders for a specific legal service.
We also accept individual orders for specific legal services, such as drafting or reviewing of documents, representation in proceedings before courts or administrative or tax authorities, legal advice and other legal services as required by the Client.
To be agreed on individually with the Client on the basis of the volume of legal work required. potrzebnego do wykonania zleconej czynności.
ul. Szeroka 3
39-400 Tarnobrzeg
phone/fax: +48 15 823 51 67
Mr. mec. Tomasz Wróblewski
+48 606 309 720
Mr. mec. Marcin Nowak
+48 692 434 375
Contact form
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