Family and inheritance law

We provide our clients with legal advice in proceedings in the field of family and guardianship law, in particular in the field of divorces, alimony and property relations between spouses, with particular emphasis on the protection of spouses’ rights in the event of insolvency of one of the spouses.

Our practice also includes matters relating to:

  • preparing legal analyzes of facts arising from marital property contracts;
  • advice on matrimonial property matters during the marriage and after its termination;
  • ongoing advice in divorce and separation matters;
  • legal representation in matters concerning the establishment of separation of marital property;
  • legal representation in divorce and separation cases;
  • legal representation in matters concerning the division of property after the termination of marital property;
  • legal representation in alimony matters between spouses, including those related to meeting the family’s needs and those arising from the alimony obligation after the dissolution of the marriage;
  • legal representation in alimony matters between parents and children;
  • legal representation in alimony matters between parents and children;
  • legal representation in cases regarding establishing contact with a child, depriving or limiting parental authority;
  • legal representation in cases involving the determination or denial of a child’s parentage.

The Law Firm’s team handles cases related to inheritance law. The scope of our services includes:

  • conducting court proceedings in the field of inheritance law, in particular for confirmation of inheritance, division of inheritance, compulsory share and validity of a will;
  • analysis of the facts regarding statutory and testamentary inheritance, including inheritance of property located in Poland from foreigners, as well as property located abroad from Polish citizens;
  • legal advice on tax aspects of inheritance of property;
  • ongoing legal advice in the field of inheritance law.