About the Law Firm
A law firm that simplifies,
doesn’t complicate things
If you are looking for professional, independent and creative lawyers, focused on solving business and individual legal problems, focused on providing professional, reliable assistance, always with the utmost care and ensuring complete confidentiality of the information provided to us, then you have come to the right place – please visit our law firm.
We try to simplify legal procedures and not to complicate artificially conducted cases or documentary audits. We are against style over substance and large, multi-page legal opinions that clients do not have time to read in full anyway.
We extract the essence of the legal cases entrusted to us, analyze them and present the client with clear conclusions and recommendations that enable him to make an informed decision. We believe that this is a manifestation of real and modern legal support that is important to our clients who do not want to pay for hours of legal analysis, but for specific solutions and recommendations that can be quickly adapted to their own business.
We also run a business ourselves and we know how important time and speed of decisions are.
Law Firm specializations
The Law Firm NOWAK&WRÓBLEWSKI is focused on providing comprehensive legal services to entrepreneurs, institutions, public entities and individuals, and the offer of legal services includes conducting matters in the field of economic and commercial law, civil law, labor law, administrative law, real estate, financial law, criminal law and conducting court disputes.
The law firm provides legal services to companies operating, among others, production, trade, service and investment industries operating not only in Tarnobrzeg and the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, but also throughout Poland. Experienced lawyers and legal advisors working at the Law Firm also prepare and review business contracts with contractors, financing agreements, and documentation of EU and international law.
The strength of the Law Firm is also company law (based on the Commercial Companies Code), including internal organization and corporate governance (legal services for company bodies, labor law and resolution of labor disputes).
The law firm brings together ambitious, very well-educated and experienced lawyers with experience in working in legal, attorney’s and notary offices, in courts, prosecutor’s offices, trade unions, cooperatives and commercial law companies.
We provide full and constant access to shared documents, reliability and communication, including information about every step the Law Firm takes in your case.
We provide legal assistance in Polish and English.

Marcin Nowak
Attorney-at-law | Managing partner

Tomasz Wróblewski
Attorney-at-law | Managing partner

Karolina Spyra

Magdalena Harnik

Magda Dzido

Marcin Pazgier

Agnieszka Szymańska

Klaudia Wróbel
Attorney-at-law trainee

Łukasz Bieniek

Marek Turcza
Attorney-at-law, of Counsel
Forms of cooperation
• Permanent legal services contract
This form ensures that the lawyer remains ready to provide legal assistance at any request of the client.
As part of a permanent cooperation agreement, the Client may contact the Law Firm’s lawyer at any time (by phone, via e-mail, fax or traditional mail) and order the performance of a specific legal action. Most often, these are:
• analysis of the risk arising from contracts concluded by the client,
• giving opinions on contracts,
• audit of documentation from commercial negotiations,
• preparing letters issued by the client’s company,
• preparing the client’s legal documentation,
• analysis of the presented legal problem and proposing the most advantageous solution,
• monitoring and collection of trade receivables,
• conducting proceedings brought by or against the client,
• participation in commercial negotiations.< /p>
As part of a permanent cooperation agreement, the Client pays a monthly subscription (lump sum) in an individually agreed amount depending on the size of the company, the scope and level of advancement of the proceedings conducted by the Client, as well as the expected expenditure. work of the Law Firm’s lawyers.
Benefits of this form of cooperation:
• permanent access to a lawyer and the possibility of consulting current problems arising in the company’s activities via telephone and the Internet,
• priority in handling the client’s orders in relation to clients using other forms of cooperation,
• a fixed monthly fee independent of the number of ordered activities and the current hourly rate of the Law Firm’s lawyers, allowing the company’s legal services costs to be determined in advance,
• periodic list of activities provided under the contract for permanent legal services .
• Framework agreement
Enables the ordering of legal activities as the client’s needs arise, via the Internet, telephone, fax or traditional mail.
As part of this agreement, the Client signs a framework cooperation agreement with the Law Firm, under which the Law Firm undertakes to accept legal orders submitted by the Client at the current hourly rate set for lawyers employed in the Law Firm.
Benefits of this form of cooperation:
• permanent access to the Law Firm’s lawyer and the possibility of consulting current problems arising in the company’s activities via telephone, Internet, fax, mail.
• fee only for services performed,
• periodic list of activities with their short description and indication of the time needed to perform them.
• depending on the level of work intensity of a specific order and the current hourly rate of the lawyer performing the service for the client.
The current hourly rates of individual lawyers of the Law Firm will be presented at the client’s request in an individually developed offer.
Benefits of this form of cooperation:
• permanent access to the Law Firm’s lawyer and the possibility of consulting current problems arising in the company’s activities via telephone, Internet, fax, mail.
• fee only for services provided,
• periodic list of activities with their brief description and indication of the time needed to perform them.
• Execution of individual orders
The law firm also accepts individual orders to perform a specific legal activity, e.g. preparing and reviewing documentation, representing the client in ongoing court, administrative or tax proceedings, providing legal advice and taking other legal actions in accordance with the client’s needs.
Agreed individually with the client based on the criterion of the amount of work needed to perform the ordered activity.